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s8321414 Profile
Member since: Sun 08 Sep 2013
Lives in: Kaohsiung City, Taiwan


"Fast and accurate translation. Great contributor to the FOSS community."

"Very active translator, recommended"

As a Manager

Chinese (Taiwan) language of the smplayer team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the Otter Browser team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the Antergos team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the LemonLDAP::NG team team

As a Translator

Chinese (Taiwan) language of the soundkonverter team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the VLC - Trans team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the Clementine Music Player team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the VBA-M team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the fcitx team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the Xfce team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the Trac team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the Minitube team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the Audacious team team
Chinese (Taiwan) language of the SuperTux team
Short bio:

一個臺灣的自由軟體翻譯者。 A FLOSS translator in Taiwan.


Chinese (Taiwan)